New! Arch, Base and Cap Cutter. Click here for details New! Video Section. Click here to see our machines in action! New! Our 2007 Foam Cutters Catalogue is available in the Download section. New! 3D RAW support! Cut any 3D shape out of a 3D model on any MegaPlot Hot Wire Foam Cutter equipped with a TurnTable. Click here for details.

New! Independent Axis Control with Unlimited Wire Length Change! Absolutely a unique feature no other manufacturer offers! Click here for details.
About us
The MegaPlot company was founded in 1995 when its co-owners designed and manufactured their first prototype of a foam cutter. Out of a company known to a few, we have developed into the largest hot wire foam cutters manufacturer in the world. So far we have produced over 1530 computer-controller foam cutters and sold them to over 40 countries.
Our main markets include Poland, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Canada, USA, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Mexico as well as Former Soviet Republics. In all these countries - and many, many others - our foam cutters are appreciated for their highest quality and functionality. The best proof confirming our leading position on the market is the more and more common - although not always successful - practice of imitating or simply copying our designs by our competitors - not only in Poland but often worldwide. We do not treat this, however, as a threat to our company but rather as just another proof of our top position on the market as well as a continuous stimulus for further development and improvement of our products. Our experience as well as using the highest quality materials enable us to produce the best thought-over and defect-proof foam cutters. That is why we are confident enough to offer 5-year warranty for all our MegaBlock foam cutters, something our competitors rarely do nowadays.
On January 1, 2006 MegaPlot moved to a new location. The new factory features over 2000 m2 of production area which should enable us not only to decrease the lead times but also further develop our commercial offer and intensify our research and developmnent works. You will find our current contact info on the Contact page. Click here to see a few photos of our new factory.
New factory!